Regional Deduction Rules in Cantabria for Renta 2023

Written by Xolo
on abril 29, 2024 3 minute read

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verified by Elena Garro
Especialista en Contabilidad e Impuestos



Welcome to the Cantabria Community Tax Deductions Guide for the current fiscal year! This guide is designed to help residents of Cantabria understand and capitalize on the various tax deductions available, ensuring they can fully benefit from regional tax policies. Whether you're a new parent, a renter, a homeowner making improvements, or an investor in renewable energies or local businesses, there's likely a deduction tailored to your circumstances.

What are the regional deductions in Cantabria?

The tax benefits in Cantabria known as regional deductions offer taxpayers a delightful discount on their taxes. These deductions are specifically tailored to the Personal Income Tax system of this autonomy. While the overall income tax return process is conducted nationwide in Spain, Cantabria provides its residents with unique deductions. This is because the revenue from income taxes is divided between the state and individual communities. To qualify for these appealing deductions, residency in the specified territory during the previous year and meeting specific criteria are essential. 

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Medical Expenses

If you have incurred professional fees for healthcare services such as childbirth, dental care, accidents, or illnesses, you can deduct 10% of the amounts with an annual limit of €500, or €700 for joint taxation.


If you had a child during 2023, you can deduct €100 for each child born.

Nursery Expenses

You can deduct 15% of nursery expenses with an annual limit of €300. Payments for these services must be made via transfer or card, cash payments are not accepted.

Rental of Main Residence for Youth, Seniors, and People with Disabilities

If you are under 35, over 65, or have a disability greater than 65%, you can deduct 10% of the amounts destined for rent with a limit of €300 for individual taxation and €600 for joint taxation.



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Care of Family Members

If you have dependents under 3 years old or ancestors over 70 years old, or live with a family member up to the first degree of consanguinity with a disability over 65%, you can deduct €100.

For Home Improvement Works

If you have carried out improvements in your main residence, you can deduct 15% of the amounts spent on such works. The improvements must be qualified as rehabilitation by the DG of Housing of the Government of Cantabria, such as energy efficiency improvements, use of renewable energies, replacement of supplies, and/or installation of telecommunications infrastructure.

For Foster Care of Minors

If you have taken in minors under a foster care regime, you can generally deduct €240. If the minor you had in foster care is of legal age but continues to live with you, you can continue to apply this deduction.

Single Parent Family

If you are the head of a single parent family, you can deduct €200.

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Investment in Acquisition of Shares and Social Participations of New or Recently Created Entities

You can deduct 15% of the amounts spent on acquiring shares, with a deduction base limit of €1,000, provided you meet the requirements established by law.

Donations to Foundations or the Cantabria Coopera Fund or Associations Supporting People with Disabilities

You can deduct 15% of the amounts donated to foundations or 12% of the amounts donated to the FCC.

Rental of Main Residence in Areas at Risk of Depopulation

If you have a rental contract for your main residence in an area at risk of depopulation, you can deduct 20% of the amount spent with a limit of €600.

Nursery in Rural Areas or Areas at Risk of Depopulation

If you have dependents and incur nursery expenses in areas at risk of depopulation or rural areas, you can deduct 30% of the amounts spent with an annual limit of €600.

Investments or Donations to Social Economy Entities Established in Cantabria

If you have invested to become a partner in social economy entities, you can deduct 20% of these amounts. If you have donated to social economy entities for the development of economic activities, you can deduct 50% of the donated amounts, or 25% of the amounts donated if it involves activities covered in article 8 of the Social Economy Law.

Relocation to Areas at Risk of Depopulation in Cantabria

If you have moved your usual residence to an area at risk of depopulation, you can apply a deduction of €500.

Discover how Xolo can simplify your tax planning and maximize your deductions in Cantabria. Explore Xolo today and take the first step towards smarter financial management!


General Deductions

Check out the general deductions rules for Spain here → 



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Take the hassle out of tax season with Xolo

At this point, you have a couple of options: 

  1. Memorize all the information we've provided and file your tax return on your own, hoping everything goes smoothly. 
  2. Gather your invoices for all of your deductible expenses as a freelancer, upload them to Xolo, and let our team of experts handle your VAT and income tax returns like the pros we are. 

Sign up to Xolo and let us help take the hassle out of tax season.


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