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Deduction rules for Renta 2024

Check out our guides and let us help you navigate the general and local deduction rules for Renta 2024

General deduction rules

Overview of Spain's tax deductions for 2024, including changes for self-employed individuals, investment incentives, and deductions for energy efficiency and electric vehicles

Andalusia regional deduction rules

Regional deductions for Andalusia in 2024, including benefits for housing, family, education,and investments, each designed to reduce tax liabilities and support the financial well-being of residents.

Aragón regional deduction rules

Aragón's 2024 regional tax deductions, which include incentives for family expansion, caring for dependents, environmental contributions, and investments in rural areas.

Asturias regional deduction rules

Asturias' regional tax deductions for 2024, which offer financial benefits for a variety of situations including family support, housing adaptations, fostering, and sustainable practices.

Baleares regional deduction rules

Tax deductions available in the Balearic Islands for 2024, aimed at supporting educational expenses, enhancing housing sustainability, facilitating relocation, and encouraging investments and donations

Cantabria regional deduction rules

Regional deductions for Cantabria in 2024, including benefits for housing, family, education,and investments, each designed to reduce tax liabilities and support the financial well-being of residents.

Catalonia regional deduction rules

Catalonia tax deductions are covering a range of situations from family and housing benefits to incentives for educational loans, environmental donations, and investments in local enterprises.

Castilla-La Mancha regional deduction rules

Castilla-La-Mancha regional tax deductions for 2024, which offer financial benefits for a variety of situations including family support, housing adaptations, fostering, and sustainable practices..

Castilla y León regional deduction rules

Regional deductions for Castilla y León in 2024, including benefits for housing, family, education,and investments, each designed to reduce tax liabilities and support the financial well-being of residents.

Canary Islands regional deduction rules

Regional deductions for the Canary Islands in 2024, including benefits for housing, family, education,and investments, each designed to reduce tax liabilities and support the financial well-being of residents.